Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Pearl Harbor

One of the coolest places we went this week was to Pearl Harbor. It was just so amazing to see all of the pictures and hear all of the history and stories about that terrible thing that happened there. I mean, we have learned about it our whole lives, and then to stand where it actually happened, and see the sunken ship was just unreal! It made it very real and not just a story that I had been told. Zac was so interested in everything about it. We took the audio tour of the site and museum and he listened to every word of it! He was very concerned about what had happened there and he said "Mama, is that war still happening right now?" I told him that we were in the middle of a new war now. I was so impressed with how he was paying so much attention to what was being said. He watched the movie that they showed about it and was amazed about seeing the sunken ship and all of the artifacts. It was just so amazing to see all of the stuff that they had there. It was a very moving experience!

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