Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Our Catamaran Ride!

Zac driving the boat while the captain put on sunscreen, "AHHHHHH!"

Danny and Zac looking at the water under the boat.

We got to ride on the Mikani Catamaran for breakfast on Friday morning. It was a huge sailboat that is 47 feet long and it was a 2 hour sail out in the ocean. It was pretty neat. Zac made a friend named Danny and they had a blast running around the boat and looking under it at the water. They got wet and that thought that was awesome! It was nice to just relax and ride with the wind blowing and seeing the beautiful sites around us. The pastries were quite odd though, I grabbed what I thought was a doughnut. But, it wasn't a doughnut, it had tuna inside of it! Gross! I almost threw up!

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