Friday, July 11, 2008

I've Been Tagged!

I was tagged by Melissa!

What were you doing 10 years ago? 10 years ago I was almost 16 and was a freshman in high school. I was probably going to sleepovers and baby-sitting after school.

What were you doing 5 years ago? I had just finished nursing school and was living and working in Panama City. I had some pretty crazy neighbors who stayed drunk all the time, yet they wanted to hang out at my house! Crazy isn't it?

5 months ago? I guess that would be in February? Zac's birthday is in February, we were celebrating that. Now I am pretty much always busy with being a mom!

5 things on my to-do-list:
1-Finish expanding my flower bed
2-Mow my grass
3-Take my final exam in my Western Civ class
4-Start packing for Hawaii !!!! (we are leaving next Thursday!)
5-Go to Wal-Mart for last minute trip items

5 favorite snacks:
1-Ice Cream (especially Cotton Candy Blizzards from Dairy Queen!)
2-Chips and homemade dip
3-Candy-Nerds, Airheads, Starbursts, etc.

5 things I would do with a Billion Dollars:
1-Quit my job and stay home
2-Build a nice house for Zac and I
3-Donate to charity
4-Go an a trip to.......I don't know, I just really want to quit my job!
5-Buy stuff for everyone in my family

5 Places I've Lived:
4-Panama City
5-Bristol-I love it here!

5 Things you might not know about me:
1-I can't roller skate very well!
2-I tend to fall a lot!
3-Ok, just kidding, most of you know that! I am addicted to real arcade computer games.
4-I can't snap my fingers, I have never been able to, people have tried to teach me and I just can't do it. I can't whistle either!
5-I love reality TV shows!!! Especially Dancing With The Stars and The Bachelor.

I Tag Mom, Jecca, Amanda, and Lisa! Sorry Ladies:)

1 comment:

Ebbit said...

Have fun on your trip.