Monday, June 2, 2008

Indiana Jones!

Watch out bad guys, here comes Indiana Jones with his amazing whip!
He looks pretty serious doesn't he?
He is concentrating really hard on his next mission!
I am sure most of you have probably seen all of the hype on TV about the new Indiana Jones movie that just came out. Zac has become pretty obsessed with it! He has taken an interest in whips and has talked about nothing but whips fer several weeks now! So, his sweet, loving Nana, (my mom) decided that he needed the Indiana Jones SOUND EFFECTS whip from Wal-Mart! Now I have the Indiana Jones theme song permanently embedded into my mind! That is all we have heard all weekend is that song accompanied by the sound of a cracking whip! Thanks Nana! Of course Zac thinks it is great! He has also been taking a few lessons from his Uncle Lobo (Curry) to learn how to crack a REAL whip. Curry made a whip when he was in high school and he is trying to teach Zac how to crack it. Zac is catching on pretty quickly.


Chaille' said...

Oh, you are soooo welcome!! That's what Nana's are for!! After about 5 minutes I said "ok, take your whip home and show it to your mom!"
Love ya!!!

LESLIE said...

This little man is too much!! He is so cute! I hope I get to have a little boy!

Jessica said...

Yea that whip was cool for about a minute... Jordan saw it on TV the other day and Said " I want on of those!" I might get it for him and send him to your house!