Tuesday, August 26, 2008

My Little Ninja!

Zac wanted to see how long his belt was, so he laid next to it and it was longer than he was! He looks so little next to it!

So, Zac finally coerced me into letting him go to Taekwando class. He actually talked his Nana into talking me into letting him go! Thanks Chaille'! He has been obcessed with the Ninja Turtles all summer, so I am really not all that surprised! Anyway, Mrs. Teressa's little boy Graham had a suit that she gave us and all he has talked about for the past week is when are we going, and can he get a white belt, and blah, blah, blah, taekwando! He has driven me insane about it! So, we finally got to go tonight, and he loved it! I was nervous, because he is so hyper and talkative, but he did surprisingly well. He payed attention and did what he was told. I was so relieved! The teacher was great and very good with kids! The kids minded him and he was I think Taylor and I are going to try it out next week to see if we like it. We want to do it for exercise! I think it will be good for all of us. We will see what happens!

1 comment:

Chaille' said...

Anytime....that's what Nana's are for!!