Saturday, April 4, 2009
Ok, I tried to put some clip art on here to make it a little more interesting, but I am a little bit slow today. I try not to post without a picture, but this story was worth telling with or without a photo! Anyway, the other night when Zac and I got home, I went through the kitchen in the process of shucking off my pants to get into my PJ's. I was in the laundry room when I saw what at the time looked like a gigantic sewer rat run across my kitchen floor! I screamed and jumped on my bed and Zac was looking at me like I was crazy. I told him to bring me the phone and get on the bed with me. I didn't want us to get eaten! I called and told mom that dad had to come right now and find the rat and get it out of my house! He came over and looked everywhere in my kitchen and found NOTHING! I guess he figured out how to get under my house or he was a super hider. I found an old glue trap that I had just thrown away and put it in front of the dishwasher where he went when I saw him. Of course I wasn't going to sleep with that vicious creature in MY house! I stayed up on the couch until about 1am I heard the little sucker get stuck in the glue! I slowly peeked around the corner and saw the rat wiggling around trying to get off the glue! I called and told mom that I was really sorry, but that dad just HAD to come over and get that trap out of my house because I just couldn't lay there and listen to that for the rest of the night! So, my dad, being the great dad that he is came over and got the trap and the tiny mouse out of my house. How sweet! Then everyone on Facebook decided to tease me all night and tell me that he probably had friends that would come out later. Needless to say I got very little if any sleep that night! The next night I slept at mom and dad's and now I guess I am finally not looking around every corner looking for rodents! I am so glad that everyone got so much laughter at my expense! What great friends I have! I hope y'all have enjoyed another chapter in my most interesting and adventurous life!
Monday, March 9, 2009
Look Who's 7!
Zac and his friend Joshua.
Zac and his brother Alex.
Time flys when you're having fun! I can't believe my baby is already 7 years old! It seems like just yesterday when he walked through the door and stole my heart away! The past 4 years have been the best and the hardest years of my life. I wouldn't trade any of it though. I love being Zac's mama and I am so lucky to have him in my life. He is my heart and sole. He definitely keeps me on my toes, and makes every second exciting! If you know Zac, you know that there is never a dull moment at the Eikeland house! I have to be very careful about what I say or do around him, because it usually ends up being talked about at school or church! Yesterday, mom asked me how I was doing on my diet. I said not too bad. She asked me if I had been cheating and I said a little. Then Zac proceeded to say "Nana, my mama just needs a little break to have a bowl of ice cream!" I could have died! Although I had eaten a bowl of cereal, I REALLY DIDN'T eat any ice cream!!!! Mom and dad couldn't stop laughing. There are no secrets in our house! Anyway, Zac and his buddies had so much fun playing at the park on his birthday. He had a Super Mario Brothers party. The kids didn't even want to stop playing to eat cake! That is for sure the best place to have a party. I didn't have to entertain them at all! They just played on the playground. It was great. Pop cooked hot dogs and we just hung out. It was really nice.
Monday, January 19, 2009
I am sure that y'all have all seen the infomercials about the "Snuggie" on TV. The blanket thing that has sleeves. I have always made fun of them because I think the people look like monks when they are wearing them! They are just so funny to me. Then, I found out that mom had ordered them for us for Christmas! How crazy! So, we got our Snuggie and it is pretty darn awesome! I know that it looks ridiculous, but it is fabulous! I have to fight Zac for it though because he loves it as well. I guess we are believers!
Saturday, January 17, 2009
I Know, FINALLY! My Little Basketball Star!
I know it has been over a month since I have posted anything. All of my pictures are on mom's camera and I just haven't gotten around to getting them from her. But, I decided that if I was sick of looking at "My Little Joseph" then everyone else must be as well. Zac started playing basketball a few weeks ago and he just loves it! He has so much fun and it has been really good for his too. He loves his coach and his teammates. He had his 2nd game today and they are doing quite well to be so little. They are learning the game rules and all about how to play. I love it because he is constantly moving out there, so he is really tired when he gets home:) They give them stars at each game that mean different things and they get to iron them onto their basketball t-shirts. Last week he got a yellow one that stands for good sportsmanship and this week he got a white one which stands for the Most Christlike. He helped a player up when he fell, and told another player that he did a good job. I am so proud of him for being such a good sport. That is a great accomplishment for my sweet, but very competitive little man! I am really glad he is getting to do something like this and be a part of a team. It has been really good for him!
Thursday, December 4, 2008
My Little Joseph
We had our Christmas party at church last night, and Zac got to be Joseph when the kids sang. They sang The Nativity Song that tells about the birth of Christ. He was Joseph, and the bishop's daughter Emily Holloway was Mary. They looked so cute! Some of the other kids dressed like shepherds and angels. It was really sweet. He was so excited and of course I am partial, but he was adorable! There is nothing sweeter than children's voices singing praises to our Savior.
Saturday, November 29, 2008
Thanksgiving At Tolar!
Last week Tolar had a Thanksgiving Festival for K-2 grades. I was able to be with Zac for part of the day. We had so much fun learning about the Indians and their customs. We did sand art, made Indian headbands, and played lots of games. Zac got his face painted like an Indian and he thought he was so cool! I also got to eat a Thanksgiving lunch with him in the lunch room. There were lots of parents eating with their kids. I will have to say that the company was better than the food! It was a nice way to start the Thanksgiving holiday!
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