Saturday, September 6, 2008

Secret Hideout!

Chief has discovered a new comfy place in the corner between the couch and the elliptical machine and he likes to sleep there in the evenings while I am still up. Zac has now discovered that he too likes to snuggle up with chief in that corner. Twice now I have found the two of them snoring together in their little hideout. It is just so sweet! It is really not a very big corner, but Zac thinks it's great. Last night he slept there almost all night! I can't really get back there to move him, and he looks pretty comfy to me! I remember when I could sleep in tiny places like that, Not any more! I can't even sleep on the floor anymore without getting a back ache!

1 comment:

Jessica said...

Aren't they just so sweet when they are asleep!?